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    Resume Support

                  "Specializing in winning resume makeovers for retiring and separating
                     K-12 professionals exploring new careers and consulting opportunities"

    Are you exploring new career options outside of academia or contemplating an education consulting career?

    Educators have a vast set of skills and talents that can be utilized in thousands of incredible and lucrative career opportunities

    far beyond the school setting.

    This includes careers where you can still make a difference in young lives or the lives of other educators without being an employee of a school system, tutoring company or academia - 

     Working for leading education companies, global education firms,

    government agencies, children's toy companies, etc., in multiple career fields

    across several industries.

    There are also countless non-K12 related companies and organizations that are a great fit for K-12 educators as well.

    Sounds amazing right? 

    BUT ...

    The   wrong resume can become a barrier to your success, lock you into low wage and undesirable careers options or keep you stuck.

    It's important to note that many employers are disqualifying applicants with AI generated resumes, so it's crucial to have a personalized and polished resume that highlights your unique skills and experiences.

    The   right resume can open up a world of career opportunities.

    If educators want to transition to higher level careers at a faster rate, your resume MUST effectively market your talent and meet industry criteria.

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    The rejection often leads to self-doubt.
    Many educators begin to internalize that they are not qualified to do anything else.

    It's NOT you but it is mostly likely your resume.

    Another problem:
    resume support customized for the transitioning educator is scarce and hard to find.

    It's often generic or low quality
    and sometimes
    too expensive.

    Our resume service and support is customized for K-12 professionals at the classroom, school and district-levels; from teachers to administrators. 

    It's high quality, best-in-class and


    Are you applying and not getting responses or receiving continuous rejections?

    Are you continuing to apply with hopes that THIS TIME you'll get lucky?

    It can be a humbling and discouraging experience.

    Don't allow your resume to be a barrier between you and your dream job or consulting opportunity.

    You're more than capable and qualified for several incredible careers beyond the classrooms and schools!

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    Educators have a wealth of experience and are qualified for multiple careers beyond the school system. But too many get rejected simply because of their resumes.​


    Holding a B.A., M.A., M.Ed, CAGS, Ed.S, Ed.D or a Ph.D. will not guarantee an interview if our resumes are not aligned with private industry specifications. 

    As former consultants to private sector Hiring Managers and Advisors for Human Resource Executives, we've witnessed far too many educator's resumes tossed due to things that can be easily corrected and revised.

    The job market outside of the school system just requires a different type of resume IF you want to experience greater levels of career transition success.

    A resume is no longer just a chronology of the career titles, job descriptions, college degrees and certifications earned. Although valuable, this format will not win you an interview for those dream jobs and consulting roles.

    Your resume is also a marketing tool that should sell your professional brand - that means YOU and the value that you bring to the table.

    This resume format is different but NOT difficult to learn.

    Let's get that interview that you so greatly deserve by taking this crucial step to landing your new DREAM CAREER

    Winning Resume Makeovers

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    Unleash Your Best

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    An interactive self-paced mini-tutorial and learning experience,

    Available 7 days a week/

    24 hours a day

    led by a Broils  Consulting Group Resume Expert.

    Step by Step Guidance and Examples

    🌍 Watch in full OR in segments.

    From the comforts of home or anywhere you have a device and internet access.

    Keep it for 90 days.

    Watch OnDemand

    Free Preview is available.

    Regular Price $175

    Buy it Now

    Start Later

    It's yours for 90 days.


    Bonus materials


    The Ultimate Career Transition Toolkit for Educators

    filled with

    Templates of over

    6 of our

    winning resumes for K-12 professionals (Teachers, Administrators, Resource Teachers, etc.)

    Cover letters,

    Interview thank you letters, etc.


     🔥 🔥 Some of our winning resumes that landed interviews at leading companies.

    The Ultimate Career Transition Toolkit for Educators

    is yours to keep after purchase of the tutorial.

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    Modern Senior Woman
    Student in Library

    The resume and interview course were the best ever!

    I would highly recommend them to anyone who’s serious about getting the next best fit position to make an investment…


    Superrrrrrrrrrrr amazing!!!

    Brooke (Virginia School Administrator)

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