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    Are you thinking about a career change and not really sure where to start, confused about your career options, or feeling stuck?

    You've landed in the right place.

    Transitioning from the school system can be incredibly challenging and confusing for all educators, whether you worked at the classroom-level, school-level or held leadership roles at the district-level or

    even hold advanced college degrees.


    The struggle to navigate an unfamiliar job market beyond the school systems is real

    and with little to no support, it often leads to limited options. The same old narrow career paths that underutilize

    the vast talents and skills that educators possess.


    We understand the immense value and expertise that educators bring to the table, and how an educator's skills are transferrable across multiple industries to mind-blowing careers with thousands of

    leading companies and organizations.

    Sign up for career transition support today. Step into the next chapter of your career with confidence, learn to leverage your true potential and discover that dream career opportunity that you rightly deserve.

    At the bottom of this page you'll find our network of

    Career Transition Strategy Specialists

    and Career Change Coaches that

    specialize in helping you

    the Exiting. Furloughed. Retired. or Retiring

    K–12 education professionals (Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Coaches, etc.) find your new or next career,

    OR education consulting role.

    There is no age limit to discovering your new purpose!

    We've helped educators from 23 years of age to 68+

    discover their next dream career or an amazing education consulting role!


    We reveal several unknown

    career paths in

    K-12 Education 

    beyond the world's school systems.

    We also introduce you to 60 incredible careers across multiple industries with fantastic salaries that are a

    great fit for countless Teachers, Administrators and other K-12 professionals

    that DON'T REQUIRE


    You do not have to settle for less, nor struggle with uncertainty and confusion

    or continue experiencing defeat!!

    We can help you target and leverage your educator skills and experience to reveal your new purpose and dream career or consulting gig.


    Career Transition Specialists will also introduce you to at least 60,

    yes, 60 incredible, and rewarding education professions (not careers in our academic institutions and tutoring companies, although commendable). 


    You will learn about mind-blowing careers that are a great fit for countless educators,

    great salaries, work-life balance,

    some of which provide opportunities to impact young lives

    WITHOUT being an employee

    of a school system (if that's still an interest).

    We'll help unlock the job market by also

     introducing you to private sector education careers across several  industries that are a

    great fit for many Administrators, Teachers and other K-12 professionals.


    You're gonna love it!

    We are opening the door to 

    incredible careers, consulting opportunities and companies that are a great match 

     for educators that most K-12 professionals don't know exist!





    You'll also learn key strategies to help you set yourself up for greater success!

    Greater Career Options. 

    More Career Choices.

    Better Career Opportunities.

    Helping educators make more informed decisions.

    Congratulations on taking the first step!


    "You are superrrrrr amazing …

    I had no clue ... about the opportunities available for educators. You exposed me to better! ..."

    Brooke (Virginia Administrator)

    "Until I met with Broils Consulting Group, I had no idea about the vast opportunities in the

    education field [outside of the school systems].

    I learned that I do have a valuable skill set that is appreciated and respected ..."

    Patrick (Retired Florida Teacher)




    RANKED AS ONE OF THE  TOP 10 in 2023

    * by Wall Street Industry experts in their market analysis of education consulting firms across the 

    United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey, China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brazil, the Middle East, North Africa and GCC Countries, etc.


    ~ Recognized by MarketWatch (a Dow Jones Company),

    AP News (the Associated Press),

    Business Wire

    (a Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Company)

    Fox News

    Global Newswire



    PRN Newswire

    and multiple regional and national media outlets, etc.

    (Broils Consulting Group does not solicit nor pay for rankings.)

    Broils Consulting Group CTR Network new levels every turn1.png

    Our organization was founded by a former K-12 teacher and administrator that transitioned to a mind-blowing career as an education executive 

    and later as a consultant and advisor

    with some of the world's leading education companies, Wall Street Firms, children's toy companies, government organizations, etc.

    The founder has a deep admiration and unwavering respect for the world's educators.

    Whether your education career spans three years, five years, twenty-five years, or forty years, you've ALL made contributions to the lives of young people and paid your dues. 


    The decision to leave or to stay in the profession is ultimately yours, and we respect that.


    FIRST, we encourage you to increase your awareness about the depth of incredible career options that align with your skills AND 

    learn key strategies needed to leverage your talent to land that dream job

    THEN make

    an informed decision. 

    Navigating the private sector job market (job markets outside of the school system) is vastly different from the school system and has caused 1,000s

    of educators to get STUCK

    or being forced to settle

    for less than they deserve.

    The last thing that you want to do is make the WRONG choice based upon limited information and what you've read on the internet or remain in a career that is no longer the best fit for you and your family.

    We also want to help protect retirees from struggling financially during

    the golden years.

    For many there is a 10-year gap between pension and eligibility for social security.

    There are incredible part-time careers, and consulting opportunities to fill those gaps and help provide the financial freedom and security

    that you deserve.

    There are hundreds of amazing careers available to educators at ALL levels,

    including rewarding and lucrative careers with great salaries where you can still impact young lives in great occupations outside of the school systems if that remains of interest

    OR numerous careers within the private industry that countless educators love!

     Life's too short to be unhappy, unhealthy, unsure, or unfulfilled.

    "Your time is limited, so please don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

    Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions

    drown out your own inner voice…

    You’ve got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,

    and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.

     And the only way to do great work is to

    love what you do.

    If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.

    You’ll know when you find it.

    Don’t settle ..."

    ~ Steve Jobs


    Until I met Broils Consulting Group, I had no idea about the vast opportunities in the

    education field.


    I learned that I do have a valuable skill set that is appreciated and respected ...

    Shelly worked with me and helped me improve my job-seeking and interview skills.


    Shelly and her associates will help craft an outstanding resume that will stand out above your competition.


    I was able to find employment ... for an educational consulting company even before the completion of my work and study with Broils Consulting.


    If you are looking to leave and wonder how to do it successfully,

     I highly recommend

     making the investment."

          Patrick (Educator Retiree)
         (Pat was HIRED for this role 
             over  60 other applicants)

    I was exposed to the Broils Consulting Group about one year after I retired with 31 years experience! I wanted to pursue entrepreneurship opportunities.


    I was an exceptional educator and had a rare salary of over 100k!


    But I wanted something different.


    I was very unaware of all the opportunities that I could have applied for until I attended a webinar with them.


    I was shocked and amazed! And immediately wished I had received this information sooner! 


    The Broils Consulting Group has all the tools to provide solutions to any educator seeking different avenues. I give my highest endorsement to The Broils Consulting Group!


    There is no other group out there like it! 

    Maria ( Retiree & Former Chicago Educator) 

    "After almost 2 years of searching on my own for a career outside of the classrooms with no luck;

    I came across Shelly and the Broils Consulting Group.  It was like finding a light in the dark! 

    I finally felt that someone out there not only understood my struggle but had a plan for moving forward.

    They provided the encouragement, motivation, and direction I needed to achieve my goal.  I got the job offer of my dreams! 

    Thank you to Shelly and the Broils Consulting Group for shining your light ​and giving me the confidence that I needed to 

    believe it was possible!”

    Steph (Former Tennessee Educator)

    What other careers can I pursue with
    my education degree(s)? 

    Educators have so many MORE career options!

    ​Educators possess a diverse set of skills, a wealth of talents, and experience that are transferable and highly marketable outside of school systems. Over 60+ incredible careers beyond the schools with 100s of leading organizations and companies that need K-12 Educators.


    This includes a plethora of incredible, rewarding and lucrative careers in private sector education markets and beyond, already within reach and many of which do NOT require additional college degrees or certifications.

    Unfortunately, far too many transitioning educators find themselves struggling to get hired becoming trapped and stuck in a career that is no longer the right fit, or feeling forced to settle

    for a new career that is less than they truly deserve, which can have detrimental implications for

    everyone involved. 

    Other feel restricted to a narrow career path with very few options. 

    While for others it can takes YEARS to find and land the RIGHT career match.


    The struggle is often not because they lack the transferable skills and qualifications.   

    For many, it's largely due to a gap in their knowledge of the private industry job market, hiring 

    processes and how to navigate an unfamiliar market.


    Really, is searching for a job in a different field or industry that different? 


    Yes, the job search game has changed, especially with advances in technology! But, it can be mastered

    in a few key steps.

    Job Search Game has Changed_Broils Consulting Group.png

    The private sector job market and hiring process VASTLY differs from our school systems. As a result, millions of educators get stuck in a career that is no longer the best fit OR they are steered toward narrow career paths: tutors, college professors, MLM sales, real estate, instructional or curriculum designer, taxi driver, drop shipping, starting over in entry-levels careers, etc ...


    Sound familiar? 

    All of the occupations listed above are noble professions, but you have many more career options.

    Sure, you can land just any ole job without improving job search and career transition skills, but you deserve more.

    To transition at faster rates and to higher levels, learning those essential job search and career transition readiness skills is quite often necessary and critical to your success.

    Are you career transition ready?

    Did you know that:

    Nearly 60% of job openings are hidden or unadvertised to the general public.

    Do you know how and where to find them? 

    If you apply in these 5 months of the year, your job hunt will take much longer.

    Are you aware of which ones?

    Nearly 70% of resumes are rejected for each job vacancy. 

    (Source: LinkedIn, Top Resume) 

    Does your resume meet private industry specifications? Can it bypass an ATS (Applicant Tracking System: those resume screening bots)?


    Educators are unequivocally talented and have a vast skillset

    but college degrees and credentials are not the only things that we need to land a great (not mediocre) career beyond the school systems.

    Don't let your current career transition and job-search skills become a barrier

    and prevent you from discovering that new dream career or incredible consulting opportunity that

    you so greatly deserve.

    Yes, the job search game has changed and is vastly different from our school systems,

    but it can be effectively navigated by implementing a few key and easy-to-learn strategies.

    You are superrrrrr amazing … I had no
    clue until I met you that I have options

    You exposed me to better.

    I had no clue until I met you about the opportunities available for educators.  These options helped me to discover that I can still work with young ones, but also have a positive direct impact on teachers in an education technology implementation

    {private sector} career...


    I would highly recommend them to anyone who’s serious about getting the best fit position to make an investment…


    Shelly you are superrrrrrrrrrrr amazing!!!

    Brooke (Former Virginia Educator)

    (The above testimonials are that of a Broils Consulting Group career strategy coaching clients or webinar attendees. The CTR Specialist Network are licensees of our content, trained in our Finding Your Fit Framework, but independent of Broils Consulting Group. Please see additional details at the bottom of the page.) 

    "What I love most is witnessing the joy and freedom that educators feel when they realize the wealth of career options available to them.

    Helping them discover their new purpose and next dream career

    is my company’s mission.

    It’s what I’ve been called to do!”

    Shelly Broils, M.A.. M.Ed.
    Broils Consulting Group

    Founder of Broils Consulting Group.png

    Helping you discover the
    RIGHT Career Match.

    Learn about 60+ incredible education careers beyond the

    schools across 10+ different industries.


    Careers without being an employee of academia that are K-12 related and non-k12 related.


    Careers where you can still impact young lives or the lives of other educators if that is desired and careers in the private sector that

    are not k12 related.


    Many are already within your reach and don't require additional degrees or certifications.

    Countless occupations and consulting roles that include:

    • Great salaries: $60,000 to $210,000 +

    • Work-life balance.

    • Some work from home.

    • Some with travel opportunities.

    • Unscheduled bathroom breaks  

    • A decent lunch break ...

    Rediscover your joy and passion.

    Learn how to target your current skills to match incredible

    careers beyond the school system. 

    This also includes some careers with leading companies and organizations with great salaries that provide opportunities to impact young lives or the lives of educators without being an employee of an academic institution (if that is an interest you

    like to explore) PLUS  fantastic non-k12 private sector

    occupations are included!

    Learn about 100s of incredible organizations and companies that need K-12 talent.

    You will learn how to find your career and employer match and what other educators did to get HIRED for their dream jobs beyond the school systems!!!

    Providing Pathways to the Next Career of Your Dreams

    Navigating a career change alone evokes a range of emotions: fear, anxiety, confusion, guilt and even imposter syndrome.

    Broils Consulting Group has researched, designed, tested and implemented an innovative,

    proven & proprietary career transition readiness system designed exclusively for the

    K-12 education professional.

    A customized solution created to meet the unique needs of Administrators

    and Teachers at all levels.​

    Mapping out the pathways to an effective career transition experience.

    It's designed to meet you where you are and help you fill in the gaps.

    Engaging.  Informative.  Effective.  Inspiring.  Empowering.


    Identifying Your Educator Superpowers to

    Discover the RIGHT Career and Employer Match

    The Ultimate Career Transition Guidance Experience

    for K-12 Educators


    60 Amazing Education Careers Beyond the School Systems

    100+  leading Education Companies and Organizations that have

    recruited and or HIRED education or K-12 professionals


    Learn key tips and several Private Industry HIRING Secrets that

    YOU Should Know

     including  some valuable

    resume tips, 

    online job application strategies

    and interviewing tips.

    © 2019 Broils Consulting Group, LLC

    Within one month of submitting my new resume, I found the new career of my dreams!

    This is truly my new dream job! I now go to bed and sleep well and wake up every morning refreshed.


    I am now making an impact on young peoples’ lives on a global level (as an Education Executive for a leading education company).


    I am still in disbelief. 

    Thank you Shelly!

    (Shelly is the Founder of Broils Consulting Group)


    [We helped Lola, a former Teacher, Instructional Coach and Administrator, successfully transition from the school system to a Management career with one of the word's leading Education Companies in 2019.

    She was promoted to a Senior Management role within 18 months.

    Later in 2022, Lola sought our guidance again.

    She was recruited by the CEO of another education company specializing in adult learners and landed the job in three weeks and now leads an international team of managers

    within the organization].

    Note: the time to transition to a new career can vary per individual.

    make more informed career decisions


    We're building an incredible network of

    career transition readiness specialists to help you

    discover your career match.

    A powerful resource and support system
    for retiring and exiting teachers, administrators,
    resource teachers, district-level personnel
    contemplating a career change,

    seeking a second career
    needing to earn a supplemental income



    Support via:

    • 1-on-1 Coaching or Strategy Sessions

    • Small Group Coaching & Cohorts

    • Large Group "Live" Webinars

    Career Transition Readiness Specialists introduce you to:

    60 careers and consulting roles beyond the school systems as well as private industry careers that are a

    great fit for countless teachers, administrators, etc.

    • Professions where you can impact young lives and without being an employee for a school system AND

    • Careers in education that are NOT K-12 related

    • Incredible careers across 10 industries 

    • Full-time and part-time jobs for current, retired and retiring K-12 professionals

    • Salary Ranges: $60,000 to $210,000+ 

    You will learn about​:

    • Careers within multiple industries,10 different Industries that are a great fit for countless educators

    • 100+ Leading Employers that have recruited or hired  K-12 professionals that were Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Resource Teachers, School and District-level Administrators


    A Career Transition Specialist can help you:

    • Identify and inventory your educator skills and experience which match fantastic careers beyond the schools

    • Target your skills to determine which careers and consulting roles may be the RIGHT match for you

    • Identify the RIGHT industries and employers or consulting clients that may be the RIGHT match for you

    • Learn and Implement various strategies that educators should know to improve the chances of getting HIRED for careers and consulting roles that are outside of the school system. 





    The Career Transition Readiness (CTR) Network of Specialists are excited to share their wealth of knowledge and experience with you.

    Each K-12 CTR Specialist within the network is independent* but trained and licensed or certified in our

    proven and proprietary Finding Your Fit 10-Step Framework and Methodology.

    Getting Career Change Support
    and Transition Guidance
    is Easy


                                Read each Career Transition Specialist's Profile Posted Below


                    Select Your Preferred Specialist or Specialists


    CLICK: "Connect with ____"

    to schedule a complimentary discovery call/consultation,

    ask a question,

    learn about their fee structures and pricing,

    or to

     schedule a career strategy or coaching session.

    JStauffer FINAL Headshot_edited_edited_e

    Jacquelyn Stauffer, B.A.
    The Teacher's Career Pivot Specialist

    J.Stauffer Consulting, LLC

    Jacquelyn is a former classroom teacher with

    K-12, corporate and government experience.   She successfully transitioned after her third year in the profession to a new career with a leading education company impressing VPs and CEOs  earning a promotion to a management role in less than 3 months.

    Rapidly climbing the career ladder,

    she later landed a prized role within a government agency, tripling her salary.

    She now specializes in helping prospective, new and veteran teachers find their dream career match.

    SCHEDULE a complimentary

    consultation with her.

    or Email her at:

    Updated Headshot - Arita Stokes-Crawford

    Arita Stokes-Crawford, M.A.

    Believe and Achieve, LLC

    Arita is a skilled and accomplished facilitator and trainer for adult learners.

    Curriculum Developer and youth Career Advisor.

    She is an experienced Teacher and Science Department Lead with extensive experience in the public and private schools as well as charter schools.

    Her mission is to unlock the full potential and undiscovered talents within each K-12 educator that needs help and support

    discovering their new purpose

    and next career.

    SCHEDULE  a complimentary



    Maria_Perrryman 2_edited_edited.jpg

    Maria Perryman, M.Ed.
    MLP Professional Education & Development, LLC

    Maria is a retired educator, formerly a classroom teacher, assistant principal and district-level literacy coach. She successfully transitioned to roles with the Teaching Channel as a Professional Learning Specialist, serves as a retirement advisor certified in four states, and was appointed by a diplomat to lead women's economic empowerment initiatives in various provinces in Africa.  She specializes in helping  current and retired teachers, instructional coaches and administrators discover their next dream career or part-time opportunity in new career fields.

    or Email her at:


    Career Transition Support Specialists

    See additional details at the bottom of this page

    We're continuing to build an incredible

    network of

    career transition readiness specialists to help

    the world's PreK-12 educators exploring a career change

    or seeking supplemental income.


    Smiling Portrait

    Coming Soon

    Male Portrait

    Coming Soon

    Senior Woman

    Coming Soon

    Smiling Man

    Coming Soon

    Smiling Businesswoman

    Coming Soon

    These five photos do not represent the actual images of the CTR Specialists

    2024 Directory 3D Composite_edited.png

    Check out our
    popular career
    transition support publications for educators 


    * Our global network of Independent career transition readiness specialists is provided as a resource. It should be noted that the CTR Specialists in the network are NOT employees of Broils Consulting Group, LLC or its affiliates, nor does Broils Consulting Group recommend or endorse any of their services over another. CTR Specialist are currently licensed and/or certified in the Finding Your Fit 10-Step Framework. We are not liable for errors or omissions made by them in the delivery of content, courses, or workshops designed by Broils Consulting Group, LLC; if you choose to engage them, they are solely responsible for their own acts and omissions. Any of other services offered by those in the CTR Network outside of Finding Your Fit: Identifying Your Superpowers to Discover Your New Career and Employer Match™, are not created by Broils Consulting Group, LLC.


    This site may contain links to other independent third-party sites. These links are solely provided to serve as a convenience. Broils Consulting Group, LLC does not endorse nor is responsible for any third-party sites. Please make the best determination for you. Should you decide to access any links to other 3rd party sites, we are not responsible. Thank you for understanding.

    © 2015 - 2024 created by Broils Consulting Group, LLC. All rights reserved.


    You may not disseminate, modify, reproduce or copy in whole or in part the information contained on this website without prior written permission from Broils Consulting Group, LLC. Additionally, Broils Consulting Group may update our service modules, products and pricing at is discretion. However, prices list on our website posted by Broils Consulting Group are honored at the time of purchase.


    Although clients have gotten exceptional results as viewed in their testimonials, the length of time to transition to a new career varies per each individual. Broils Consulting Group, LLC is not a job placement service nor guarantees employment due to factors and variables beyond our control. All content herein is for informational and educational purposes only.

    We do not endorse any of the companies or careers on our website, listed in our publications or workshops, and vice versa.

    We also recommend conducting research on any company of interest to ensure that it is a good match for you. Broils Consulting Group accepts no responsibility for any career decisions made. It is always best practice to conduct research on any career of interest to ensure that it is a good fit for you.

    Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

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